Friday, April 9, 2010


There are these parts in my head. There are these huge gaps between them. There is a part of my head which tells me to be free. There is another which drags me down, back. There is this third part which tells me I should ignore the other two and just keep doing some pretty mechanical things. Lemme just jot down a sentence or two on each of these parts' logic.
The first, pretty simple. It might be thought as lazy, compared to the other parts. All it wants is peace. All it goes after is one piece of understanding that answers it all forever. Its sweet, simple, and ascetic. It is brilliant, and has very convincing explanations.
The second, is trying hard and crying. It is in chains. The most major characteristic is that it has a lot of chemical factories. It wins the warfare in most cases for this reason. Oh, and this place is good for photographs.
The third, is sustainable. It asks for consistency, hard work, and dedication. It uses you in its own special way and tells you that it is the best way you could be used.
So there are these walkways, which are all dark. You go one way, you get a torch for your use, the torch has this hue in it. But the way is still dark. And then, he tells me that the three are parallel, and it leads to the same sea. Now the question. Do I drag the pathways closer, or do i just get to be on one of them? Is the jack of all trades better of the master of one better?