Sunday, April 19, 2009


Moving fast. The cruise is set.  

The feeling of slowing down has started creeping in. And the straight lonely single lane road is filled up of confusions. Somewhere, somehow, there is confusion. Lost.

Looking up at the star studded sky. Finding it infinitely blank. Looking at the forests around. Finding them dark and hollow. Helpless; the need to fill them all up. Possibly a part of them. But then, where did all the energy go? Where are the companions who travelled along?

Music is on. But then, it is getting more and more difficult to understand. Turning into noise.

Streetlights are fading away.  Ground disappear. It is all black. 

Open eyes, find city lights are not far away. White, blue, red, and black. And too many roads.   

1 comment:

Pratik Hakay said...

I really really appreciate your bolgs.. :) do let me knw wen u post stuff .. i njoy them . :)